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Location: Kentuckiana, United States

Lori Soard has a Ph.D. in Journalism and Creative Writing, but she's hardly the stuffy professor type. Her romantic comedies offer a glimpse at her sense of humor and her suspense novels have received rave reviews. She started reading romances at the age of nine. "I remember my aunt smuggling me grocery bags full of Harlequins. I was bored in school and would often prop a romance behind my history book as the rest of the class read aloud. I was a fast reader and had already read the material. A few teachers looked the other way, a few had no clue, one or two encouraged me to be a writer." Lori loves to hear from her listeners. You can email her at

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Time4Learning Complete Curriculum K-8

Well, we're winding up another home school year. It seems like this was a tough year academically for my girls (7th and 4th grade). For anyone who tries to work from home and teach their children or who has young children, you know what a challenge it is to juggle all those responsibilities. About 1/3 of the way into our school year, I knew I needed a new solution. The curriculum we were using required far too much prep work.

I started to research online schools and that was when I found Time4Learning. This site offers a complete curriculum in language arts, math, science and social studies for grades K-12. Although my girls already know how to read, I love their phonics program for younger kids too. It is my opinion that phonics is the absolute best way to learn how to read.

Because I do have such limited time, I don't want to cheat my girls out of any learning opportunities. I like that they no longer complain about doing their work. They're excited to get online and do their Time4Learning lessons. And, when they finish, they are rewarded with "playground" time. They believe this is fun time, but the games on the playground are actually educational themselves. Shhh!!! Don't tell them I'm sneaking in more learning.

Time4Learning has been such a blessing to our family that I am trying to let other homeschool families know about their programs. I don't own Time4Learning and I'm not an employee of theirs. I'm simply a parent who sees great value in the program they are offering and I appreciate that they offer it at such a reasonable cost.

If you're looking for either a full curriculum or something to supplement what you're already doing in the coming year, check out their Lesson Demos and let me know if you agree. Drop me a line if you have any questions at all about the program. I'd be happy to answer whatever I can.

I'll have more news about my writing in a few weeks.



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