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Location: Kentuckiana, United States

Lori Soard has a Ph.D. in Journalism and Creative Writing, but she's hardly the stuffy professor type. Her romantic comedies offer a glimpse at her sense of humor and her suspense novels have received rave reviews. She started reading romances at the age of nine. "I remember my aunt smuggling me grocery bags full of Harlequins. I was bored in school and would often prop a romance behind my history book as the rest of the class read aloud. I was a fast reader and had already read the material. A few teachers looked the other way, a few had no clue, one or two encouraged me to be a writer." Lori loves to hear from her listeners. You can email her at

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

January Letter to Readers

Dear Readers,
Happy New Year! I'm so excited about 2007. I'm not sure why! "7" has always been a lucky number for me, so maybe that is why I feel this gentle hum in the air--almost as though an electric current is zipping around.
Our family enjoyed Christmas in Florida with my parents and then we took the girls to Disney for two days. We had such a good time and built some great family memories. We went to Magic Kingdom and to Animal Kingdom and I learned some tricks and tips for saving money and getting the most from your trip, which I'll be sharing in an article later in this newsletter. Whether you have children or are a big kid yourself, this makes for a great vacation destination.
I have many articles contracted for 2007 and will try to keep you posted in this newsletter as they come out. I hope that you'll get a chance to read some of them and that you enjoy learning about new people, places, and things as much as I do.
I'm still home schooling Caitlin and Hailey, teaching an adult correspondance course, and teaching English on Tuesdays to my home schooled high schoolers. We worked together on a sitcom script, and the kids produced, filmed and have edited the sitcom. We plan to have our premier at the end of January, which is very exciting for me and them. I learned a lot about film and have a newfound respect for how very hard people in the film industry work. We shot a very low budget, 20 minute show and it took us six hours of filming. And this was after practicing many times before filming. We were all completely exhausted at the end of the day. Nevertheless, it was wonderful fun and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
As the new year kicks into gear, I'm hard at work on my Kingdom's Keys series and hope to submit the first book to editors in the next few months. I'll have a short story for you in the February issue to celebrate Valentine's Day.


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