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Location: Kentuckiana, United States

Lori Soard has a Ph.D. in Journalism and Creative Writing, but she's hardly the stuffy professor type. Her romantic comedies offer a glimpse at her sense of humor and her suspense novels have received rave reviews. She started reading romances at the age of nine. "I remember my aunt smuggling me grocery bags full of Harlequins. I was bored in school and would often prop a romance behind my history book as the rest of the class read aloud. I was a fast reader and had already read the material. A few teachers looked the other way, a few had no clue, one or two encouraged me to be a writer." Lori loves to hear from her listeners. You can email her at

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

December Letter to Readers

Dear Readers,
Can you believe 2006 is nearly over? Where does the time go? Our family has really enjoyed this past year in our new home. The girls are thriving with the home schooling. We are going to a co-op school every Tuesday where they take some more advanced or specialized classes like art, zoology, geography and Spanish and I get to teach high school English. I really love teaching the kids in my class. They are so much fun. In 2007, I have a book series I am determined to complete and place with a publishing house. I will have updates on that later in the year. Also, FINDING MS. RIGHT will be released by Amber Quill Press and SO YOUR MUSE HAS GONE AWOL? (co-written with Pamela Johnson) will be re-released.
This time of year is very precious to me because it signifies the birth of Jesus. Our family enjoys reading the Nativity story and ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve and I have to admit that we are disgustingly cheerful and get into all things Christmas. We also open at least one present early (we can never stand to wait). This year we plan to spend the holidays in Florida with my parents.

I want to thank those of you who have signed back up for this new newsletter. I will be sending this to the old lists for a while but will eventually need to close some of those lists down, so be sure you click on the subscribe link at the bottom of this email if you aren’t already subscribed to the Yahoo Group. Each newsletter will have a free story or article. If you share this newsletter with a friend or let someone know about one of my books, be sure and tell me. I am looking for some “special forces” who will get free packages and other goodies from me in exchange for helping me promote my books.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!



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