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Location: Kentuckiana, United States

Lori Soard has a Ph.D. in Journalism and Creative Writing, but she's hardly the stuffy professor type. Her romantic comedies offer a glimpse at her sense of humor and her suspense novels have received rave reviews. She started reading romances at the age of nine. "I remember my aunt smuggling me grocery bags full of Harlequins. I was bored in school and would often prop a romance behind my history book as the rest of the class read aloud. I was a fast reader and had already read the material. A few teachers looked the other way, a few had no clue, one or two encouraged me to be a writer." Lori loves to hear from her listeners. You can email her at

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

February Letter to Readers

February, 2007
Dear Readers,
Happy Valentine's Day! February can seem cold, long and bleak here in the midwest. We've been particularly spoiled this year with some very warm weather. Then, in the past week, it has gotten very cold. The winds are bone-chilling and the temperature hovering at just above zero some days. We even had some snow flurries! It's the time of year to curl up in your favorite jammies and eat warm soup and sip hot cocoa. The one thing about February that I truly love is Valentine's Day. This is such a fun time of year. This year, why not think about giving a card to someone you might not normally think of? I promise it will brighten their day. Perhaps an elderly neighbor, or a long-lost friend.
After much prayer and self-reflection, I've made the decision to offer my Kingdom's Keys series for free via this newsletter. I will be posting chapters in the "Prosing Around" section each month. I hope you enjoy this exciting new series. Although I could probably sell it to a publisher, I felt that God was telling me to gift it to my readers. He may have big plans for it or not, but I hope that you enjoy it and it blesses you in some small way. The first installment is in this issue! Please note that this is a work in progress and has not been professionally edited, so you may find a few errors.
Hugs and Valentine's Wishes,
Lori Soard


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